The global natural resource imbalance is strongly manifested by the dwindling water resources availability as populations grow. The global, regional and local water crises raise the demand for structured water governance, policies and measures based on rigorous scientific research. In this context, the recently published book Water Governance: Challenges and Prospects, edited by Amarjit Singh, Dipankar Saha and Avinash Chand Tyagi and published by Springer, is a need of the hour. It constitutes a unique effort, which deals with water governance from the perspective of the assessment, development and management of water resources. The chapters in the book are focused on India – a still predominantly agrarian economy hugely affected by the water crisis. The book is composed of 21 chapters by eminent experts. It starts with a chapter on the issues, challenges and prospects for water resources management, and ends with a chapter discussing the need for a paradigm shift in the water sector in India. It has interesting and useful articles on basin-wide water resources assessments, a national aquifer mapping program, protection of water bodies, groundwater quality, aquifer rejuvenation, flood protection and management, hydropower management, financing in the water sector, and research and capacity building. It integrates the water science with water governance, and discusses the constitutional provision with respect to water in India. Further, it has chapters on aquifer-based regulation, and community and farmer participation in water management and governance. It is one of the rare books which provides a holistic view of water governance integrated with water science. It will be a useful reference for all interested stakeholders.
Shashank Shekhar
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology, University of Delhi, India
A free preview of the book as well as more reviews can be found on the Springer site.
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