The link between groundwater quality and drought in Southern Africa
Land use and other activities are putting greater pressure on groundwater in vulnerable but highly productive karst aquifers, such as the Ramotswa Aquifer, which is shared between Botswana and South Africa. This aquifer is representative of similar karst aquifers in Southern Africa, which generally provide a reliable supply of good…

New Report: Groundwater and SDGs
A new report by the United Nations University (UNU- INWEH) analyzes the interlinkages between groundwater and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. The SDGs of the 2030 Development Agenda do not, as a rule, account explicitly for groundwater, but it is clear that groundwater already plays and will continue to play a significant…

Groundwater overview – Making the invisible visible, new UN Report
Globally, invisible groundwater resources are under increasing pressure due to human activities and climate change. Our response to this pressure is often not adequate, also due to limited awareness of the importance of groundwater resources. This Groundwater Overview is prepared by IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre) in cooperation with…

New Policy Brief: Groundwater for Irrigation in Lao PDR
The International Water Management Institute, in collaboration with partners from Lao PDR, Thailand and Japan have been working to assess the groundwater resources; identify existing groundwater use in agriculture; develop and test new community-managed groundwater irrigation schemes; and establish the potential for expanded use of groundwater. This, in turn, serves…
The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) has produced an informative and topical Strategic Overview Series of how groundwater interacts with multiple sectors and issues, which we need to account for in integrated groundwater management (e.g., sustainable development goals, global change, health, ecosystems, cities, food security, and energy).
The Groundwater Management Advisory Team (GW-MATE) under the World Bank (2000-2010) provided an original and very valuable contribution to the understanding of groundwater and its improved management. See here for their knowledge products.