This book is especially unique in that it not only explains a wide range of issues associated with groundwater governance, but it also provides water industry professionals, decision-makers and local stakeholders with a suite of solutions for a heuristic approach to managing this extremely important resource.
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Advances in Groundwater Governance was edited by Karen G. Villholth (IWMI), Elena López-Gunn (ICATALIST, Spain, and University of Leeds, UK), Kirstin Conti (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Alberto Garrido (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation, Spain), and Jac van der Gun (Van der Gun Hydro-Consulting, The Netherlands). The publication was sponsored by CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems, Botín Foundation and IGRAC.
The publisher CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group is acknowledged for providing free access of the book after one year of its first release.
Review of the book
“[…] the book’s team has done a commendable job in wrapping up existing knowledge, broadening the discussion further and delineating gaps. The book will undoubtedly contribute to raising the much-needed awareness for groundwater governance and boosting its implementation.
Recommended to those interested in the fascinating and complex topic of groundwater governance, particularly researchers, several chapters provide a wealth of synthesized information that can also serve as a useful source for academia.
From the practical standpoint, professionals and practitioners aiming to address groundwater governance issues where political will for doing so exists should be able to find pragmatic solutions informed by the specific contexts of the concerned groundwater systems. The solutions – often reached through dialogue with stakeholders and their engagement – should target the materialization of improved governance as a dynamic process. Examples of such successful solutions are given; additionally, the book provides case studies that illustrate numerous options for improving groundwater governance in a given context, as examples of how the launch of the dynamic process can be facilitated.”
Dr. Mohamed Bazza, formerly Senior Water Resources Officer at FAO.
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