SADC-GMI and IWMI sign Memorandum of Understanding
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Southern African Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI), two organizations at the forefront of groundwater management in southern Africa, recently increased their impact through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic partnership was a natural fit based on the mandate and visions of both organizations, as well as on previous fruitful collaboration. The aim of the MoU is to strengthen collaboration and drive the agenda for sustainable groundwater and conjunctive water management in the region. Dr. Claudia Sadoff, Director General, IWMI, together with Mr. James Sauramba, Executive Director, SADC-GMI, participated in the MoU signing ceremony held on September 10, 2019, at the Irene Country Lodge in Pretoria, South Africa.

Dr. Claudia Sadoff (IWMI) (left) and Mr. James Sauramba, SADC-GMI (right) after signing the Memorandum of Understanding (photo: Mpho Nkoana, IWMI).
Mr. James Sauramba acknowledged IWMI’s vision for a water secure world and how it can be fulfilled in partnership with SADC-GMI. Dr. Karen Villholth, , expressed gratitude towards SADC-GMI for effective collaboration to date, and for this opportunity to consolidate joint commitment towards sustainable groundwater management in the SADC region.
The MoU was signed at a stakeholder engagement event to launch the new global IWMI Strategy 2019-2023, and to discuss priorities and plans for the Institute’s Southern Africa regional office headed by Dr. Inga Jacobs-Mata. Among the other attendees were representatives from key government organizations, international institutions, research organizations and the private sector. The participants welcomed the , which holds promise to materialize the broad goal of water security for the region.
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From left to right: Dr. Karen Villholth (IWMI), Dr. Claudia Sadoff (IWMI), Mr. James Sauramba (SADC-GMI) and Dr. Inga Jacobs-Mata (IWMI) at the MoU signing ceremony (photo: Mpho Nkoana, IWMI).