The Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), a partner in the Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP), is undertaking an accelerated open Roadmap exercise to strategize and plan how the network can evolve over the coming 10 years – to better achieve its overarching vision of sustainable rural water services for all.
Extending the reach and scale of RWSN activities, while ensuring leadership from the Global South, is critical to ensuring that everyone has access to a safe drinking water supply. This means catering for more languages and generating context-relevant content and collaboration with a wide set of partners and individuals. Decentralizing RWSN through regional hubs and country chapters is one possible pathway to follow. Another critical point is sharpening the profile, institutional setup and collaboration modalities of RWSN and maintaining financial sustainability.
The Executive Summary provides an introductory overview of the Roadmap goals and process, and more details can be found on the dedicated RWSN Roadmap website.
During the two-week interactive e-discussion hosted by RWSN on May 17-30, 2021, the network is seeking feedback and ideas from current and potential members and partners on the following pathways:
A. Scaling up reach and membership (week 1)
- Decentralize networking activities through regional hubs: What are the pros and cons? What can we learn from others?
B. Increasing impact and financial sustainability – where should we put most of our energy? (week 2)
- Focus on being a network of individuals
- Focus on being an association of organizations
- Focus on being a network for training and professional development
- Focus on strong liaison and partnership with financing organizations
The Roadmap material and e-discussion cater for multiple languages.
Learn more about the RWSN Roadmap
Sign up to be part of the e-discussion
Send your questions and answers directly as an email
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