Climate change adaptation and groundwater

Latest edition of the Strategic Overview Series of the International Association of Hydrogeologists Accelerated global warming, resulting primarily from human overdependence on fossil fuels, is a major environmental concern of our times. Even if it can be rapidly curtailed, climate change is widely predicted to have major impacts on water…

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Friends of Groundwater participate in the 2nd Global Workshop of the World Water Quality Alliance

Groundwater quality is an important component of overall freshwater quality worldwide. The quality affects the lives and livelihoods of the majority of people globally. High-quality groundwater is important for drinking water supplies, irrigation and industrial processes. Ecosystems and the environment, in general, also depend on an adequate quality of groundwater.…

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Book review: Water governance: Challenges and prospects

The global natural resource imbalance is strongly manifested by the dwindling water resources availability as populations grow. The global, regional and local water crises raise the demand for structured water governance, policies and measures based on rigorous scientific research. In this context, the recently published book Water Governance: Challenges and…

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AMCOW launches its Pan-African Groundwater Program

Dr. Canisius Kanangire, Executive Secretary, AMCOW, expressed his appreciation and satisfaction with the present momentum, and support towards consolidating and further rolling out the Pan-African Groundwater Program (APAGroP) (photo: AMCOW).

The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) launched its Pan-African Groundwater Program (APAGroP) during a two-day Experts’ and Stakeholders’ Workshop held on October 1-2, 2019, in Nairobi, Kenya. APAGroP is conceived as a strategic partnership platform for brokering groundwater information, and for supporting the strengthening of member states and regional…

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The Africa Groundwater Atlas launches digital hydrogeology maps for 38 countries in Africa at the 46th IAH Congress in Malaga, Spain

Country-scale hydrogeology maps currently available to download from the Africa Groundwater Atlas, showing a combination of aquifer types and aquifer productivity (source: Africa Groundwater Atlas/British Geological Survey).

The online, open access Africa Groundwater Atlas was launched in 2016. Bringing together information from multiple sources, it provides an overview of hydrogeology, groundwater resources, and its management for each country in Africa. Furthermore, it includes supporting general information relevant to the African context, for example, on climate, groundwater quality,…

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The Sustainable Development Goals in focus at the second SADC-GMI Groundwater Conference

The 2nd Groundwater Conference hosted by the Southern African Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) was held on September 4-6, 2019, at the Southern Sun Hotel, OR Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa. The theme for this year’s conference was aptly titled Groundwater’s Contribution to Achievement of Sustainable Development…

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Putting groundwater on the agenda in SADC

SADC-GMI and IWMI sign Memorandum of Understanding The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Southern African  Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI), two organizations at the forefront of groundwater management in southern Africa, recently increased their impact through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic…

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Groundwater timeline shows the importance of good management to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

GRIPP and partner representatives at the launch of the Groundwater and SDG infographic during the 2nd SADC Groundwater Conference. From the left: Arnaud Sterckx, IGRAC; Karen Villholth, IWMI, Kirsty Upton, BGS, Brighton Munyai, SADC-GMI; Julian Conrad, Geohydrological and Spatial Solutions International (GEOSS) and IAH.

An infographic entitled ‘GROUNDWATER – Critical for Sustainable Development’ illustrating a timeline of groundwater use throughout history and projected outcomes of continued groundwater abstraction was launched today at the 2nd Southern African Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. The graphic, which was put together…

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