GRIPP: 2018 in Review

GRIPP partners accomplished a lot this year, and we wanted to take a minute to highlight a few of these successes. We hope you’ll enjoy GRIPP’s 2018 in Review. We thank you for your support and contributions this past year and look forward to working with you in 2019!

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Special issue on transboundary aquifers puts the worlds’ shared aquifers in focus

The Journal of Hydrology’s special issue on the International Shared Aquifer Resources Assessment and Management summarizes key findings from 15 years of transboundary aquifer (TBA) management across Africa, America, Asia and Europe. It highlights that management of transboundary aquifers in fragmented ways may affect sustainable development within and beyond a country’s borders, and that this requires an integrated…

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2nd National Borehole Master Drillers Conference, Nigeria, November 26th

The 2nd National Borehole Master Drillers Conference is taking place in Abuja, Nigeria on November 26th. Organized by AWDROP, a GRIPP Partner, it will discuss the social, economic, and environmental effects of the drilling, with an optional training workshop on supervising borehole projects. To register and find out more:

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  • GRIPP Partners