Groundwater governance acknowledged as critical and timely in new book review

The National Groundwater Association (NGWA), a GRIPP partner, has provided a recent review of the book ‘Advances in Groundwater Governance’ in their Wiley journal Groundwater.

Some excerpts from the review by Robert E. Mace and Todd H. Votteler, in: Groundwater, Vol 57, No. 2, March-April 2019:

Through 28 chapters, in the first book on this topic, Villholth et al. (2017) successfully capture the moment and momentum of groundwater governance research from concepts to application to synergies to international case studies.

[…….] Being interested in both policy and science, we found the book an enjoyable read, with some new-to-us terminology such as hydro-schizophrenia (something we are familiar with in Texas), ISD (invisible, slow, distributed), water endowment, groan zone, and hydro-hegemony.

[…….] But quibbles aside, this book is a great – and thorough – introduction to groundwater governance […..]

Advances in Groundwater Governance was edited by Karen G. Villholth (IWMI), Elena López-Gunn (ICATALIST, Spain, and University of Leeds, UK), Kirstin Conti (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Alberto Garrido (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation, Spain), and Jac van der Gun (Van der Gun Hydro-Consulting, The Netherlands). The publication was sponsored by CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems, Botín Foundation and IGRAC.

The full book review can be found here.

The book is freely available for download here (pdf 15MB).

The NGWA is a non-profit community of United States and international groundwater professionals working together to advance groundwater knowledge through education and outreach, advocacy, cooperation and information exchange, and enhancement of professional practices.

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