The Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP), together with the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) headquartered in New Delhi, India, is collaborating around the production of a new book titled Artificial recharge to groundwater and rain water harvesting: Issues and learning from the developing countries.
The NAM S&T Centre is an intergovernmental organization with a membership of 47 countries in Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Latin America. The Centre was set up in 1989 in pursuance of the decisions of various summits of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), with the objective of promoting mutually beneficial cooperation among the NAM member countries and other developing countries to increase national capacity and their collective self-reliance.
Representing the NAM member countries in terms of knowledge generation and sharing, the NAM S&T Centre produces a series of knowledge products of particular interest to developing countries and, in particular, a series of books with wide thematic coverage.
The status of water resources and growing water crises in many parts of the world, sparked by rising demand as a result of population growth and erratic climate patterns, have become topics of concern. In response, this proposed new book aims to highlight approaches such as artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting that may help attain higher assurance levels of water access and availability. Based on the current status of water security and challenges encountered in NAM countries, and the approaches in this solution space that have been trialed, the book will uncover, in a novel approach and partnership with NAM countries, realities and best practices on the ground. The aim of the book is to provide a critical overview and assessment of approaches, experiences and lessons learned in diverse settings that will help inform further development, out-scaling and South-South cooperation, and thereby enhance the success rate from a broad set of sustainability criteria, from technical, socioeconomic, institutional, environmental and human health.
The Organizer (NAM S&T Centre) and Editor team (Dr. Dipankar Saha, Dr. Mohamed Shamrukh, and Dr. Karen G. Villholth) involved in the production of the book would like to invite further expressions of interest to contribute chapters to the book.
The call aims to attract cases from NAM as well as non-NAM developing countries. In particular, cases from Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are sought.
Timeline of the book:
January 2022: Submission of expression of interest to author a chapter – prospective Authors
January 2022: Formal invitations to selected Authors to submit chapters – NAM S&T Centre
January-February 2022: Submission of tentative titles, scope and keywords of chapters – Authors
May 2022: Submission of full chapters – Authors
May-June 2022: Editing and revision of chapters – Authors and Editors
June 2022: Submission of full manuscript to Publisher – NAM S&T Centre
July-September 2022: Publication process – Publisher
October 2022: Publication of book – Publisher
Download the flyer of the book
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